Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is insanity.
- Albert Einstein


Results of the September International Independent Board for Lean Certification vzw exam session are out!

Results of the September International Independent Board for Lean Certification vzw exam session are out!
Congratulations to all new CGBL® Certified Green Belt in Lean and succesfull theoretical #CBBL® candidates.
Missed it? No worries: registrations for the December session are open.
CGBL® Certified Green Belt in Lean, #CBBL® and #CChL® offered.
Contact your local exam centre . #lean #IIBLC #CGBL #CBBL #CChL

2022 exam dates now published

As from now, the exam dates for the different levels in 2022 are available.
For a general overview, click here
For the dates per level, check:
CGBL® Certified Green Belt in Lean
CBBL® Certified Black Belt in Lean
CChL® Certified Champion in Lean

I want to become an IIBLC® exam centre for my country/region, what do I do??

In order to accomodate the expanding number of candidates for the IIBLC® certification and its associated exams, we are continuously looking for more exam centres/partners.
If you are an interested organisation to become an exam centre for your country/region (we work with exclusivity for our partners!), please check the info on the page exam centres.

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays 2021

COVID-19 update September 8th 2020

International Independent Board for Lean Certification vzw is gradually re-opening!
As from today, our office re-opened although teleworking remains the standard. Visitors: please make an appointment beforehand.
For #CBBL® and #CChL® practical candidates: practical reports can be sent again but expect some delay for results due to peak in incoming reports.

Exam dates 2021 now published!

The 2021 exam dates are now published. Check them here or on the respective pages per level.

June exam session

Impression of International Independent Board for Lean Certification vzw last exam session under #COVID19 measures. Thanks to all candidates and partners exam centres of International Independent Board for Lean Certification vzw for taking care of each other!!

exam 200620

New CChL® Certified Champion in Lean

On June 2nd, Mr. Alessandro Strobbia, Industrial Director at Faiveley TRansport in Piossasco, has been awarded the CChL® Certified Champion in Lean certificate and therefore is part of the select group of IIBLC® Champions in Lean.

June exam session

Even if our office is temporarily closed, we are preparing for the International Independent Board for Lean Certification June exam session. #CGBL®, #CBBL® and #CChL® offered. Check with your local exam centre for updates whether exam will take place at their location(s) or not. Registration deadlines and suspension rules for practical reports are maintained at this time.

IIBLC® office temporarily CLOSED

Due to anti-COVID-19 measures, the IIBLC® office is temporarily CLOSED.
This means we are unable to treat any incoming surface mail or packages.
NO CBBL® or CChL® practical reports are handled at this time.
The "one calendar year" rule is lifted for the time being.
We hope to be back as soon as possible!
For now: Keep it safe!
